The course and our help are provided free as our COVID Response. – by courtesy of KLIPPAS Techologies Inc.

Welcome to our Entrepreneur Apprenticeship Course!
The course, Take Control: Seven Steps to Independence©, is available now and is free with no registration required. Each step begins with theory and is followed by exercises to apply it to your company. Think of it as your Entrepreneur Apprenticeship. By the time you complete the course, your company will have:

  • a business plan you can use when trying to raise money or credit.
  • a design for your product or service which you can provide at a profit.
  • a marketing strategy including social media and search engine tactics.
  • a sales strategy (and we’ll teach you how to sell it, too).
  • a chart of accounts.
  • an officially registered name, a website and…
  • an independent, operating company, with you at the helm.

Just do it – go ahead and download the course.

Download the ZIP File here!

The Course Zip File Contains:

  • Your Take Control Course Book. A PDF with 186 pages of all you need to know, to launch and run a Startup.
  • The PDF Whitepapers and Excel spreadsheets referenced in the Take Control Course Book. There are 13 additional documents (14 in all), ranging from spreadsheets which you will use to form your Business Plan, analyze your competition and gather your market research in, to PDFs on how to do social media marketing, search engine optimization and email, content-based marketing. 

We wish you the best of luck. Remember, if you need some help, register on The Launchpad.

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